
Change Through Networking

(Wandel durch Vernetzung)

is a change-management-strategy
and an action-framework of a five-step-proceeding;
five steps, that have been proving as reliable guides through the imponderabilities of change….

Change means uncertainty. During periods of transformation only a well proved proceeding may offer a reliable foothold: Wave (Change Through Networking) gives certainness within the context of uncertainness.

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Team-development and coaching are integral parts of WaVe.If requested these measures are also separately available.

In order to master the main challenges:

  1. Leadership-Development
  2. Strategical Direction
  3. Process-Orientation
  4. Restructuring
  5. Merger/Integration

and varieties of other change-projects that emerge in the ambit of each of the five topics in the development-cycle, often also determined by particularities of the industrial sector.


Change Through Networking

Organizations will be faced again and again with the five main challenges independently of the maturity-level they have arrived at.
Thus the benefit of availing oneself of the five-step-proceeding is threefold:

  1. Mastering the challenges sustainably and economically
  2. Acquiring a well-proved action framework for the tasks to come
  3. Preparing modern weblike ways of organizing enterprises beyond hierarchies and silos.

Networking is the main change-agent and successfactor of the proceeding (s.b.).

Change Through Networking I The Idea Behind

  1. Change-projects can be seen as system-formations within the system – as organizations within the organization, that exert mutual impact
  2. This interplay can be harnessed systematically – to produce change-energy
  3. Prerequisite is, that the systems differ from each other: The  difference makes the difference
  4. If change-projects are framed as networks, this difference is secured. A „new world“ in the old one has emerged.
  1. A framework („crash barriers“) assures goal- direction and at the same time empowerment and self-organization
  2. The weblike organization challenges the line- organization and vice versa. Productive competition, contests and comparisons emerge and cause creative dynamics between both worlds. The difference becomes effective and makes a difference.
  3. New sources of energy are freed. Change happens and leads to systematic improvements. Success fuels further success.
  4. Finally and if aspired: The way to a future weblike organization is paved. A




Dramatic turbulences of past críses provide the evidence: Change-
management up do-date has also to be capable of radical transformation,
be it about organizational re-orientation or about merger-management. At
it´s best, change should happen fast and smoothly, but at the same time
sustainably with large-scale impact.
The book describes a proceeding, that makes change happen
comprehensively and profoundly. The approach unleashes the immense
power of participation leading the undertakings to a break-through. Change
Through Networking (WaVe) combines what traditionally was considered
contradictory: A culture-responsive approach with a proceeding clearly
structured in phases and steps, an understanding of organizations framed
by the social system-sciences with a hands-on change-project-management.

The voices of customers:

„15 years of change-management-experience on an international scale with
„WaVe/Wandel durch Vernetzung“ proves impressively it´s effectiveness. We have
been managing large scale reorganizations in order to cope with crises or to secure
our future according to our ZF-company-philosophy internally and with own
resources even under most difficult conditions. The main success-factor in achieving
not only breakthroughs but also cultural sustainability was that we trusted in the
Hans-Georg Härter, Vorstandsvorsitzender/CEO, ZF Friedrichshafen till 2012
„Securing the future when it´s going well und carrying out „clean-up-work“ in the
face of odds – that´s the bandwidth of challenges that ALTANA has been managing
perfectly with the change-management-concept WaVe, also on an international scale.
We as ALTANA are cutting edge because we can count on our people. Wave fits us,
because this strategy allows us, to bring to bear it´s main tenets methodically and to
use them practically for change.“
Dr. Matthias Wolfgruber, Vorstandsvorsitzender/CEO, ALTANA AG till 2017

„Change Through Networking (Wandel duch Vernetzung): WaVe. This formula
epitomizes a mystery. Those who network change, because they have to deal
with new partners, who pose a challenge and inspiration at the same time.
And who is ínterconnected, is not protected against further change, as the
new partners again bring in other and new ones, for whome a player is an
interesting counterpart or not. Dominik Petersen shows in this book
impressively, that under these conditions only those know their way, who are
able to admit not to know all too often what´s going on with themselves. For
in this way they become network-partners one can count on.“
Prof. Dr. Dirk Baecker, Lehrstuhl für Kultutheorie und Kulturanalyse an der
privaten Zeppelin University in Friedrichshafen am Bodensee
„Change of and in organizations is always an outspoken paradoxical
undertaking: Available as starting point is only what is already in place, based
on which something entirely new, something entirely different should be
created. „Change Through Networking“ provides a cleverly devised change-
management-proceeding, a practical guide, that leads any organization expertly
through the particular challenges of this paradox. WaVe succeeds bringing to
bear a subtle interplay of project- and line-organization, of hierarchy and self-
organization, of structure and process. It is an interplay after all that sets free
the fascinating power of participation and brings sustainable changes to a
Unif. Prof. Dr. Rudolf Wimmer, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der osb Wien
Consulting GmbH



Change Through Networking –The Fieldbook for Sustainable Change-Management

Empirical evidence shows clearly that change-projects, largely self-organized and devised like networks, yield more effective and creative results than traditionally managed ones.

Surely, one question arises: How to proceed lest a complex project without direct control and supervision won´t derail, even more: meets the objectives with less risks and higher acceptance?

The field-manual here presented draws on the basic book „Den Wandel verändern“ (Change the Change). Experiences with many change-undertakings rendered it possible for the authors, to describe the proceeding in detail together with plenty of practical advise. They show step by step how to set up a project-network, how to get it going in a way that it buílds up a working interplay with the internal environment, thus becoming a powerhouse that fuels profound structural and cultural transformation.

Yet the book is not only about recipes, for to manage complex projects one should know the underlying principles and their interrelations. Otherwise one gets easily caught up in traditional thinking and has to improvise if unforeseen situations emerge. A compass then is valuable.

The book encourages practitioners within companies and consultants as well, to carry out change-projects, smaller or complex ones, according to the WaVe-action-framework.


  • The WaVe-proceeding: A systems-approach
  • 12 principles for successful change-processes
  • 5 steps
  • Practical examples
  • References of customers
  • Glossary